Amariah will connect with your spiritual guide(s) to receive a message to aid your life journey. You can ask up to five questions to gain insight into your present experience, soul origin and purpose and learn ways you may live more fully aligned to your soul intentions. No appointment is necessary. Amariah will telepathically connect and type the message as it is received and email this to you.
A FIVE questions/concerns session produces approximately +-1000 words of guidance. Amariah is quite busy with many projects and does these sessions as possible. Please allow 2-6 weeks for your session. See Guidance link on top menu bar for details and testimonials on this service. Or see click this link: http://soulsalight.com/spiritual-guidance
In order to best connect with your energy for the reading, it helps Amariah to have basic information about you.
Once you place your order, please REPLY TO YOUR ORDER CONFIRMATION EMAIL that has your ORDER# in the Subject Line, with the following information in the email body and attach a recent photo of yourself. or you can fill out the information in a form you should receive via email upon order confirmation.
Full name:
Birth date/:
Where I grew up/live now:
Education / Occupation(s):
Hobbies, Interests:
Abilities, Strengths:
Dreams, Aspirations:
Spiritual Beliefs:
Spouse/partner/love interest:
What is happening in my life now:
What is important to me:
What I would like to share about me:
How did you hear about the channel:_________________________________
Disclaimer: Neither Jill Amariah Mara nor 7D Publishing make guarantees about what will be in your session and are not responsible for your reaction to any of the channeled information that comes through. Once the session is completed, there is no refund offered if you are unhappy with the results for any reason. Please use discernment in interpreting and acting on any spiritual guidance. Publishing rights: 7D Publishing retains the right to use the channeled material for publication, omitting information that personally identifies you.